Being in the entertainment industry I'm constantly asked, "Who are you working with?", OR "What is your current project?"
So I decided to start a simple BLOG that answer those questions.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Working with Keb' Mo'

About a decade or so ago I received a call from Alex Brown, who is a wonderful singer, to sing on a record by an artist named Keb' Mo'. Alex and I tease a lot so I thought she was kidding, but she wasn't. I met Keb' Mo' and found out that he is great guitarist and singer with a huge blues following. Very talented writer, singer, arranger, producer and guitarist.

One of the first projects I worked with him on was called 'Big Wide Grin'. this was my first introduction to Keb/'Mo' and I was impressed. This project was released as a children's album back in June / 2001. As always we had fun in the studio. As you can see from his big wide grin,  his smile comes through his music.

The next project that I was called to work on with Keb' Mo' was an album called 'Keep It Simple'. This project was released in Feb / 2004 and went on to win a Grammy Award for the Best Contemporary Blues Album in 2005.

Later that same year in 2004 we were called back to sing on another project 'Peace Back By popular Demand'.  This album was released in September / 2004. As usual when I work with an artist I do my best to develop a relationship with that person and definitely don't want to do anything where I would burn any bridges. This is good practice in any business because people will always remember good experiences and will want to share them again, and again.

In 2010 Keb' Mo' called us again to work on a new project that he was recording. This project is called 'The Reflection'. Even after a decade Keb' Mo's music still sounds great.
It was the same ole gang, Alex Brown, Bobette Harrison-Jamison and myself. A nice blend of vocals that has become a part of Keb' Mo's sound, at least on a few records.

'The Reflection' was just released August / 2011 with the first single "The Whole Enchillada"which is a song that Alex, Bobette and I, sang the backgrounds on. This week on Late Night with Conan O'Brien, you'll get to see Keb' Mo' performing his new single. If you look in the background you'll see Alex, Bobette and guess who, yes you guessed it, you'll also see me singing as well.

Like I said it's been over a decade since I first received that telephone call from Alex Brown about singing on this upcoming project. Looking back I have to say that it's been a pleasure and a honor working with Keb' Mo'

Until next time - Phillip

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