Being in the entertainment industry I'm constantly asked, "Who are you working with?", OR "What is your current project?"
So I decided to start a simple BLOG that answer those questions.


Sunday, November 28, 2010


Over the years I've sung on quite a few projects, movies, records, radio station IDs, floats for parades, and the list goes on & on.

Earlier this year I had the privilege of singing on a different kind of project. ABC Mouse.com. This is an Early Learning Academy for children ages 2 - 6 and it's packed with many educational learning tools. The goal is to make learning fun and it rewards them as they progress so that when they start school they will continue on that pattern that they've developed.

The project has been 3 years in the making and they just launched on November 16, 2010. They left no stones unturned. ABCmouse.com's comprehensive curriculum offers more than 2,000 unique learning activities for your Preschooler, Pre-K Learner or Kindergartener.

I have 2 grandchildren, Aiden who is 3 1/2 and Kaiis, who is about 16 months. Both LOVE this sight. Aiden, ask us just about every single morning could we set up the site for him. He's done very well following the information for his age group. I'm singing on the letter "I" and the letter "M". Aiden refers to the letter "M" as 'papa's song', so he always ask could he hear 'papa's song', we don't mind playing it for him but there are more letters in the alphabet.

I'm honored to be part of a new children's educational tool that will be around for years to come. If you have any children, grandchildren or if you know of anyone that has children ages 2 - 6, I highly recommend you sharing with them www.ABCMouse.com, it's a safe environment  for children to learn and be rewarded for their efforts. I'll also be doing more songs in the future as the need arises. The site is so full of content though, I'm not sure what else they'll add, but what I am sure of is ABCMouse.com will continue to add VALUE to this already great existing site.

Until next time - Phillip

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